hanging 2005. graphite on tracing paper (detail) 58 x 41 cm. (working title; figure falling, collapsed table)

hanging 2005. graphite on tracing paper 30 x 52 cm. (working title; lying figur with folded leggs on architectural construction)

hanging 2006. graphite on tracing paper 48 x 39 cm. (working title; figure leaning on stick while balancing to sit on table)

hanging 2006. graphite on tracing paper 67 x 50 cm. (working title; figure hanging in curve) private collection Switserland

hanging 2008. graphite on tracing paper 31 x 45 cm. (working title; figure lying with raised knee in Tony Cragg-form skirt) private collection


hanging 2008. graphite on tracing paper 99 x 51,5 cm. (working title; figure leaning towards lines which form an angle as well as a floor) private collection

hanging 2010. graphite on tracing paper 28 x 21 cm. (working title; standing figure leaning backwards, architectural skirt)

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